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Small Feet Footwear Issues and How TIESTA solves it

by Tiesta Store 29 Mar 2022
Small Feet Footwear Issues and How TIESTA solves it

The titanic trouble of tiny feet.

Numerous women suffer the plight of having small sized feet. Try finding a pair of sexy stilettos in the kids section! Or how about formal pumps? Bridal or wedding wear shoes? Can you imagine having to larger sized shoes with paper to fit into them?  1% of adult women have feet that can be classified as petite or small. For a country as populated as India, that’s a pretty large number of women who have an extremely hard time finding shoes for their grown up occasions such as work, parties, weddings and festivities and just daily lives.

The needs and requirements of these women are regrettably overlooked by the majority of the fashion industry as mainstream manufacturers don’t produce petite sized shoes in meaningful quantities. Fortunately, mindful entrepreneurs across the world such as the likes of Tiesta, have managed to create a manufacturing space that can personalize the size and fit of each shoe in a pair. For majority of their lives women with small feet have had limited options in shoe styles as they've always had to make their purchases from the children's section. Tiesta now offers women their deserved right to customise their shoes as per their size, fit and style.

Small footed women will now be able to own fashionable and styles of petite shoes that are attractive and trendy. From casual shoes to formal, sportswear to party wear, low heels to high heels, Tiesta can materialize all petite women’s footwear dreams and demands.



Small footed women are generally ones with shorter heights and usually count on shoes to elevate them a good few inches or even create an illusion of longer and leaner legs. It’s important to understand what works and what doesn’t for small feet, for example, shoes with pointed toes add an extra inch to one’s profile. Tiesta guides each client and together designs shoes that work best for the look they want to achieve.


Clients come in search for heels of incredible heights to elevate their petite frames which are usually not available in the market. Tiesta creates their shoes and ensures a comfort that only personalization can offer to these women who have been deprived for years.

Personalization at Tiesta further extends to narrowness or wideness of the client’s feet. The discomfort people face when their feet are too narrow where the foot slides around inside the shoe, or straps providing little or no support. On the other hand, women with wider feet have their foot permanently scrunched and squeezed into footwear mostly likely causing long lasting damage to their feet structure.


One of the clients that approached Tiesta, was quite distraught with the lack of sizes and styling in shoes for her small feet. She spoke of how she was unable to find her show size all over the country and when she did come across a pair here or there, she had to severely compromise on the styling. Before she even placed an order with Tiesta she expressed her gratitude for launching a service that would serve so many women who require customised shoes for their varied sizes and fits. The client couldn't believe her ears when she was told that she could design her own shoe to any style that she fancied and that she would not have to compromise on any dimensions of the shoe. Tiesta materialized her design into this pretty feminine pair that provided her with comfort, freedom and style that she had been deprived of for most of her adult life.

All women, indiscriminate of shoe size and fit, are welcome at Tiesta to come get their dream pair customized, personalized and materialized!  To women with small feet, Tiesta proves a necessary angel with answers to all shoe woes.

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